
Rest API can be cached by using @Cacheable decorator

Rest API Caching

export class TodoRest {
    private _service: TodoService,
    @CacheEventLookup() readonly _cacheEvent: CacheEventHandler
  ) {}
  @Get({ uri: "/:id" })
  @Cacheable({ ttl: 300, key: async (todo: TodoModel) => `/todos/${todo.id}` })
  public async getTodoById(
    @Param("id") id: number,
    @Query("filter") test: string
  ): Promise<any> {
    return await this._service.getById(id);

When using key property of @Cacheable args as a function this value will be used for build the cache key only.

  • The key for acquiring data from CacheStore is a request uri if key property is a async function.
  • The key for acquiring data from CacheStore is the key value if key property is a string.

ttlTime to Livebased on the default cache store (second/millis)
keyKey can be string or a Promise<string>the Promise key has a arg which is the return data of the function
validateValidate the data before cachedall undefined or empty array is prohibited by default


@Evict has 1 arg and accept wildcard.

  • * will clean all cached data
  • /<uri>/* will clear the cached data related to this uri.
export class TodoRest {
  private readonly _cacheStore?: CacheManager;
    private _service: TodoService,
    @CacheLookup() readonly cacheStore: CacheStore,
    @CacheEventLookup() readonly _cacheEvent: CacheEventHandler
  ) {
    this._cacheStore = cacheStore.get();
  @Get({ uri: "/:id" })
  @Guard({ roles: ["admin", "moderator"], permissions: ["add-user"] })
  @Evict({ key: "/todos/*" }) // evict has 1 arg and accept wildcard. with '*' will clean all cached data and '/<uri>/*' will clear all cache for this uri only
  public async getTodoById(
    @Param("id") id: number,
    @Query("filter") test: string
  ): Promise<any> {
    return await this._service.getById(id);


submit and evict cache by acquire CacheEventHandler through @CacheEventLookup. (Event Driven Pattern) or acquire CacheStore through @CacheLookup

export class TodoRest {
  private readonly _cacheStore?: CacheManager;
    private _service: TodoService,
    @CacheLookup() readonly cacheStore: CacheStore,
    @CacheEventLookup() readonly _cacheEvent: CacheEventHandler
  ) {
    this._cacheStore = cacheStore.get();